Friday, December 2, 2011

15 Weeks

Well Friends, I feel like the last few weeks have been a bit hectic and that is basically the main reason for my lack of post. Some of it was been my fatigue and some has been lack of internet access.

Week 13 started with me driving most of the was to Houston for my little cousin's 3rd birthday party. Although it was fun and Jordyn, my cousin, is super adorable, I was exhausted upon returning on Sunday after driving the whole way home. I slept a fair amount of time during that next week and just couldn't find get the effort together to sit too long at the computer.

Week 14 was a bit more fun although just as tiring. Thanksgiving on Thursday was fun as Matt and I joined Daddy's family to celebrate! Lots of food and chatting put me in a great mood and on top of that my brother got leave from his station in Missouri to come home for Thanksgiving! I enjoyed spending what little time I had with him. On Friday (my actual 14 week mark) we spent the day celebrating Thanksgiving with the Symank family. I had so much fun talking and laughing with this bunch! I really enjoyed seeing how much Wesley and Stevie have grown! It is amazing how much a child can change in just a few short weeks.

Today, has been pretty good. Most of my nausea has gone away and it only comes back when I eat too much. I have also decided that I need to drink a ton more water as I feel better the more I drink. I actually had more energy the past few days and have been able to do more around the house.

So without further ado, the part that everyone actually is interested in, my:

Week 15 update!

Baby Size: 4 to 4-1/2 inches (about the size of a large navel orange or a softball)

Mama weight gain: *forgot to weigh, will insert tomorrow*

Visual Changes in Mama: I am actually showing where people are commenting on me now! It is crazy I feel like I didn't have a belly and now I do!

Symptoms: Fatigue although it has lessened, hunger, thirst, and some upset stomach.

Cravings: Celery, Carrots, Pickles, Gala Apples, and Tea

Fun Facts: Lanugo hair is covering the body to help keep baby warm until more body fat is present. Bones are getting harder and can be seen on an x-ray. Baby can wiggle it's fingers and toes and even make breathing movements!

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